
Welcome to Eastern Haematology Group

It was around a dinnertable on a balmy summer evening at Hyderabad in June 2015 that the Eastern Haematology Group (EHG) was conceived. I along with Dr Sharmila Chandra and Dr Jina Bhattacharya sat together for dinner after the closure of ‘Best of ASCO – 2015’ event when the idea of forming the EHG took roots.

Call it quirk of coincidence but the similarity in circumstances in the births of European Haematology Association (EHA) and EHG is too stark to miss.

EHG Committee

Dr. Rabindra Kumar Jena


Dr. Sarmila Chandra


Dr. Maitreyee Bhattacharyya

Vice President

Dr. Prantar Chakrabarti

Vice President

Location Map

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