It was around a dinnertable on a balmy summer evening at Hyderabad in June 2015 that the Eastern Haematology Group (EHG) was conceived. I along with Dr Sharmila Chandra and Dr Jina Bhattacharya sat together for dinner after the closure of ‘Best of ASCO – 2015’ event when the idea of forming the EHG took roots.
Call it quirk of coincidence but the similarity in circumstances in the births of European Haematology Association (EHA) and EHG is too stark to miss. EHA was conceived in exactly the same way with four friends sitting around a lunch table in London.
Sharmila Didi popped the wine in celebration as we pledged to make it a mission to turn EHG into a Vibrant and spirited body that would be the flagbearer off aims and aspirations off haematologists across all states off Eastern India. The progress made in the few months is nothing short off incredible, thanks to whole – hearted support and, more importantly, participation of the fraternity.
The idea became a reality when all the members from different states of Eastern India, Perticipating the International CME and 7th Annual Meet of Odisha Haematology at Cuttack on 19 – 20th September, 2015, in a specially called metting unanimously agreed on formation of EHG. The structure, function and other components including logistics were decided.
The objectives off EHG as decided follow:-
- EHG would champion the cause of haematology in the Eastern region in particular and in National and International level in general. It would serve as the apex body of practicing haematologists in Eastern part of the country. The Group will have represantation from all Eastern and North Eastern States.
- Promotion of haematology as a super – speciality discipline, creation of awareness on its importance in the clinical field, improving patient care in the field of blood diseases and disorders, research and education, and academic excellence would be key areas where the Group would get involved.
- The members voiced great concern over neglect of such an important discipline and lack of awareness among even the doctors and medical students about haematology as an independent clinical wing. The group would actively work towards making doctors and medical students as well as Goverments aware about its importance in diagnosing, treating and managing blood diseases.
- It would engage in patient advocacy and support respective states in promoting hematology discipline and services as well as formulating effective strategies for tackling blood diseases in their region. It will make concerted efforts to make treatment easily accessible and affordable for patients.
- The Group will work towards continuous skill upgradation of professionals and carry out training programmers for doctors, students, nurses, paramedics, technicians, etc.. It will also set up registries for study of disease burden in Estern India as well as make recommendations to the health administrators in terms of formulating guidelines and treatment protocols for blood disorders.
Members from all State / Place Estern India were selected to the functioning body of EHG in the initial stage which will be modified in due course. Kolkata was unanimously selected as the Headquarter of EHG. With the hard and sincere work of Dr. Tuphan Kanti Dolai and support from his colleagues, EHG is one of the most vibrant society in the East.