EC Meeting Patna 2017

Agenda of E.C. meeting on 25.03.17 during 2nd Annual meeting of Eastern Hematology Group (E.H.G)


Date: 25.03.17 | Time: 1.00 PM TO 2.00PM

The EC meeting was convened by Dr. R.K.Jena, Secretary of EHG who requested Dr. Sharmila Chandra, President of EHG to preside.

  1. Discussion on Action plan of previous E.C meeting.
  2. Planning of Academic activities in 2017-18
  3. Registry / trial under the banner of E.H.G
  4. Visiting faculty of EHG members to academic institution
  5. Membership Drive
  6. Drive for funds collection
  7. Participation in ISHBT – 2017
  8. Organizing EHA-High lights in 2019 and ISHBT – 2020
  9. Nomination of other member of region (not represented) to E.C
  10. Any other matter permission from the chair